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Mar 2, 2025 8:00PM
Marvin Mills, organ
Marvin Mills will perform for the finale of this season’s organ recital series at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the stunning Murdy Family Organ. A native of Philadelphia, Mill currently serves as the organist at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Kensington, Maryland. Additionally, he is the music director of the acclaimed National Spiritual Ensemble and a guest artist with the Ritz Chamber Players based in Jacksonville, Florida. His previous positions include Associate Minister of Music at National City Christian Church, Director of Music at All Souls Church, Unitarian, and University Organist at Howard University, all located in Washington, DC.

This event is free and not ticketed.

Made possible by the Marjorie O'Malley Sacred Music Series.

Item details


Mar 2, 2025 8:00PM


Off Site Location

Single Tickets for this event will be available August 26, 2024. For any additional questions, please contact the Ticket Office at 574-631-2800. Interested in our season ticket offerings? Become a Director's Choice or Choose Your Own subscriber today.

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